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Kidnapping, tie and tease, poppers champagne kaviar.A perfect clip there we can enjoy Mistress Antonella’s amazing body. We have a very god view of her asshole when Mistress squeeze out the caviar. The gift is a nice load of caviar and Mistress release the delicious load close to theĬamera.

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Teasing and seductive way what she have in store for the slave and how the slave will receive his giftįrom his Mistress. Then she take off her bra and expose her big boobs. You can really see that she is a young attractive woman. She is dressed in a black miniskirt and I have never seen MistressĪntonella so beautiful and sexy in any other clips. Mistress starts with showing her perfect body. Mistress Antonella is wearing a beautiful black dress with open space for her wonderful boobs, and a vinyl black corset, she is amazing in this outfit and black stiletto shoes.Īfter teasing her slave, she do farting and prepares sensually her banana split with banana, her own chocolate and her Champagne…then she presents this tasty meal to her slave Teasing, farting, caviar by Mistress Antonella Shitting

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